
发布时间:2024-04-25 发布单位:企业管理系




 主讲人: 夏军 






This study examines the reception of category-spanning products by audiences, focusing on distinct mechanisms that influence audience attention and approval, respectively. Previous research has conceptualized the audience as controllers of resources but has overlooked the impact of their cognitive processes on decision-making. By integrating organizational ecology [XJ1]  with research on audience cognition, we reevaluate the relationship between a product’s niche width and its reception by audiences. We propose an inverted U-shaped relationship between niche width and audience size (attention), and a U-shaped relationship between niche width and audience appeal (approval). Additionally, we investigate how these curvilinear relationships are moderated by varying degrees of product unconventionality and innovativeness. Using 4,181 U.S. feature films released theatrically from 2001 to 2018 as our empirical setting, we corroborate the proposed curvilinear hypotheses. The results also indicate that product unconventionality and innovativeness can alter these relationships, respectively, underscoring the complex interplay between niche width and product characteristics in determining audience reception.





夏军教授,德克萨斯大学-达拉斯分校Jindal商学院战略管理学正教授,在战略管理领域顶级期刊Strategic Management Journal上发表10篇论文,是近几年在Strategic Management Journal上发表文章最多的华人学者之一。主要研究领域集中于:(1)组织理论(资源依赖、权力和制度过程);(2)公司战略(并购、合资、联盟和剥离);(3)社会网络(嵌入性的结果);(4)国际商务(国外市场拓展、国有产权和转轨/新兴国家的制度变迁)。

