
发布时间:2024-05-22 发布单位:企业管理系


题目:Customer Product Returns in Online Retail







This talk explores customer returns in an online environment, comprising two distinct parts. The first part investigates the influence of live social interactions in livestream e-commerce. Live interactions, allowing real-time communication between streamers and customers, are believed to have a persuasive impact on product returns. Using data from a leading livestream e-commerce company, the study compares product returns in live sessions (featuring live social interactions) to rerun sessions (without such interactions). Econometric models estimate the impact of live social interaction intensity on returns. The results reveal that live sessions have higher return rates than rerun sessions, with the effect strengthening as interaction intensity increases. This confirms the persuasive role of live interactions in livestream e-commerce. The study also finds that the effect is more pronounced when streamers are experienced, assortment sizes are smaller, and product prices are lower. Increasing interaction intensity by one standard deviation can boost return rates by up to 8.59%, significant relative to average rates, with implications discussed. In the second part, the talk addresses the challenge of high product return rates in online retail, emphasizing the impact of delivery time on returns. It builds on prior research, indicating a non-linear relationship between delivery time and return likelihood, influenced by customers' subjective time perception. These findings hold across customer segments, highlighting the benefits of shorter delivery times in reducing online order returns.



荣鹰博士现任上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师。他于20108月回国执教于上海交通大学,此前在美国加州大学伯克利分校和里海大学从事博士后科研工作,并在上海交通大学和美国里海大学分别获学士、硕士和博士学位。荣鹰教授主要研究领域为服务运营管理、零售运营管理、新兴商业模型的运作以及数据驱动的优化模型。研究成果发表在Management ScienceOperations ResearchManufacturing & Service Operations ManagementInformation Systems ResearchProduction and Operations ManagementNaval Research LogisticsIIE Transactions等国际学术刊物上。荣鹰教授是2015年度国家优秀青年科学基金和2020年度国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,并且多次获得过国际奖项,其中包括两度MSOM最佳论文奖,TSL最佳论文奖和INFORMS Energy, Natural Resources & Environment Young Researcher Prize
