暨南大学管理学院企业管理系企管论坛2020年第4期 [总第176期]

发布时间:2020-11-25 发布单位:企业管理系


讲座题目:Inducing Downstream Information Sharing via Manufacturer Information Acquisition and Retailer Subsidy

主讲人:李  果 教授

主持人:魏  莹 教授

时间 :20201130()  




We investigate a manufacturer’s information acquisition and subsidization strategies in a supply chain featuring two competing retailers who sell substitutable products and have private demand information. The manufacturer can decide whether to acquire demand information at a cost and further decide whether to offer subsidies simultaneously to retailers to induce their sharing of private demand information. We demonstrate that subsidizing retailers is always in the manufacturer’s interest, but direct information acquisition is profitable only if its cost is low. Information acquisition helps the manufacturer gain superior demand information and leverages the retailer’s information advantage, thereby reducing the expenditure of subsidization. Compared with the simultaneous subsidy provision scheme, we further investigate the sequential and partial subsidy schemes and find that the simultaneous and sequential subsidy schemes result in an identical equilibrium outcome that dominates the equilibrium outcome in the partial subsidy scheme when three subsidy provision schemes are all feasible.


北京理工大学管理与经济学院教授,博士生导师,技术经济与战略管理系主任,长期从事绿色供应链与物流管理、市场营销与运营交叉学科、大数据驱动的决策管理等领域的教学研究工作,担任中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会智能决策与博弈分会常务理事、工业工程分会理事和中国自动化学会经济与管理系统专业委员会委员,International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing副主编,国际知名期刊Information Technology & People (SSCI, ABS-3)高级编辑,UTD24/FT50顶级期刊Production and Operations Management编辑评审委员会委员,中国工程院院刊Frontier of Engineering Management特约通讯专家,国际知名期刊Transportation Research Part EAnnals of Operations ResearchInternational Journal of Production ResearchInternational Journal of Logistics Research and Applications客座编辑,长期担任Production and Operations ManagementDecision SciencesIISE TransactionsEuropean Journal of Operational Research30余个SCI/SSCI刊源审稿人,以第一作者或通讯作者在专业领域内顶级/重要期刊Journal of Operations Management (UTD24/FT50顶级期刊)Decision SciencesNaval Research LogisticsEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchIEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、中国管理科学、管理工程学报等上发表论文60余篇。获第三届北京市大学生物流设计大赛优秀指导教师奖。
