暨南大学管理学院企业管理系企管论坛2019年第18期 [总第165期]

发布时间:2019-11-01 发布单位:企业管理系

讲座题目:Understanding employee voice in a social context

主讲人:舒睿  助理教授


时间 :20191115(周五)  




 Employee voice behavior has become a frequently-talked topic in OB research. Scholars are enthusiastic to uncover the psychological process about why employee speak up (or keep silent) (e.g. psychological safety and voice efficacy). Relatively a few researches have placed voice behavior in a social context although the goal of voice is to increase collective utility. In this seminar, I will use some studies as examples to demonstrate how voice is shaped by work contexts and how quantity and structure of team voice influences team cognitions and outcomes.

舒睿,现任上海财经大学商学院助理教授,在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院获得管理学博士学位,美国马里兰大学罗伯特史密斯商学院联合培养博士。研究领域为组织行为学,研究兴趣主要围绕组织中的上下级沟通,员工创造力和创新,伦理决策等。其论文发表在Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB), Journal of Business Research (JBR), Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource (APJHR),《南开管理评论》,《管理学报》等期刊上。第二届“中国管理研究国际学会梁觉博士论文资助纪念基金”获得者。
